4H Materials

4H Agency — How responsible gaming is evolving in the digital age

In his op-ed, Ivan Kurochkin, partner at 4H Agency, talks about the aspects of responsible gaming, including regulatory issues, player retention and social responsibility.

If we compare attitude to responsible gambling matters today and, for example, five or ten years ago we can highlight that such attitude from various industry stakeholders has changed not only drastically but actually has made a path from zero stage to point of at least acknowledgement of existence and importance of responsible gambling matters following its implementation (regulatory driven or on a voluntary basis).

Bringing the importance of responsible gambling instruments upfront should not be made only via implementing new regulatory requirements for operators to comply with. It is notable to make this process viable for all industry stakeholders (e.g., operators, players and regulators), so it would be not just a direct requirement of the regulations, but a voluntary decision of each and every stakeholder to implement responsible gambling instruments in everyday routine.

That’s why it is crucial to understand which variety of instruments responsible gambling can offer for players, regulators and operators all over the world. Mostly all key responsible gambling instruments can be conditionally divided into the following groups based on the purpose of using a particular responsible gambling instrument (the RG Instruments):

  • instruments for information and prevention;
  • harm reduction and response instruments;
  • capacity of the health care system.

Below we will describe each group of RG Instruments.

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