4H Materials

Flexible Gambling Licenses: Exploring Opportunities, Overcoming Challenges

What a highly informative session it was!

Our experts from 4H Agency, Ivan Kurochkin, Partner and Head of Eastern Europe Desk, and Dmitry Hotsyn, Senior Consultant and Head of CIS Desk, were happy to join Zoltán Tűndik from Hipther for today’s engaging and insightful discussion on flexible gambling licenses.

A big thank you to European Gaming Media for organizing the event and to Zoltán Tűndik for leading such an interesting discussion!

🔗 You can watch the recording of the session here: https://www.linkedin.com/events/lexiblegamblinglicenses-explori7206987083389759488/comments/

📢 Looking forward to participating in future webinars. Stay tuned for more updates!