one of the biggest sports betting and casino operators in Eastern Europe

The Client was operating for several years on the certain Latin America market. However, the Client was not satisfied with the performance and requested our assistance in preparing an extensive market research analysis.
4H Agency was tasked with conducting a thorough market research analysis and compare client’s operations with the competitors in the market. The market research consisted of the following parts: market insights, marketing, products analysis, and interview with market insiders.
4H Agency team used its extensive contact network in Latin America as well as its office in Queretaro, Mexico and formed a local source network that were providing information related to marketing specifics of the market, competitors’ focus in terms of the players’ acquisition, local specifics of sports betting and online casino product, as well as regulations.
Internal team of 4H Agency also conducted a thorough research of the market to gather additional market data, industry reports, and insights.
After gathering all necessary data, 4H analyzed the data to identify market trends and recommendations for the Client. Finally, 4H team selected relevant takeaways and produced the Market Research Report.
The Client has received a variety of valuable insights and recommendations which allowed them to understand the direction in which they need to develop their business.
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